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A fun article that the @FARMSHOWMagazine ran about I.C.E. Fest 2019. Thank you Dee Goerge for your interest in getting the story out there and helping us promote the World Record Attempt Benefiting Hungry Kids (ICE Fest 2020)!
It took about 9 hrs. altogether to cut out the latest carousel. It kept turning from 1 p.m. on Friday until 12:30 p.m. on Saturday.
With four smaller 45-ft. diameter carousels inside, dedicated to major sponsors for the 2019 event, along with 70 other businesses/groups that raised $16,500 for Flyer Pride Pack.

Exerpts from Article including these little fun facts:
506.2 ft. diameter, 4.6 acre, 8,000-ton circle of ice, 16-in. thick ice,
 49 min. to make a complete rotation

“It’s gone from family fun to world competition, a friendly game of one-upmanship that benefits our community,”

“The first year we used an ice chipper and string to mark a circle in the snow,” Chuck Zwilling recalls. Now in 2019,  they insert a 4x4 into the ice and hook a cable on it to create a perfect circle with a chainsaw secured on a “Chainsaw Chariot” built from a tracked snowblower by Zwilling’s son-in-law, Mike Ruegemer. 

They’ve also learned to angle the 36-in. chainsaw bar and only cut part way with the first cut (about 8 in.) and then go around again. 

Safety features were added this year including - cones, caution tape and a shoveled path that led to a “bridge” to cross the 9-in. open water.
View The Original FARM SHOW Magazine Article:
 2019 - Volume 43 Issue 6 Page 22

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Archived Image 1  -Mike and Chuck cutting ice with chariot-
Giant powered ice carousel measures 508 ft. in dia. and is rotated by 4 electric trolling motors. Four smaller carousels were cut into the big one.
 Archived Image 2  - Aerial View of 2019 Carousel 
To cut the ice they use a chainsaw secured on a “Chainsaw Chariot” built out of a tracked snowblower.

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