Chuck and his daughter Becca put on the free family friendly weekend of outdoor events called I.C.E. Fest. This event raises money for Flyer Pride Packs, a program that helps support at-risk children in the Little Falls school district by sending them home with a bag of food that is nutritious, nonperishable and easy to prepare. - Liv Speilman 2020 | WeAreMinnesota | Minnesota Realtors.
"Making Ice Carousels, Setting Records, & Helping The Community"
By Liz Spielman posted 02-04-2021 16:55
Archiving Resources:
- Pinterest Convenient for saving Newspaper Photos with coordinating link.
- Flickr A Great space for all the collected photos from each years event.
- upcoming ........
@holeproductsllc Instagram post Hole Products is helping to raise awareness and funds for local families in need. . . and attempting to break a WORLD RECORD! Saturday, Jan. 6th the largest ice carousel will be attempted to be constructed on Green Prairie Fish Lake in Little Falls, MN. Donations will be accepted for Flyer Pride Pack; food backpacks that benefit low-income, at-risk families by providing them with meals. 2018 IceFest https://www.gofundme.com/SpinningIceForKids #holeproducts #drillwithus #SpinningIceForKids #FlyerPridePack
Fun times at the 2019 Ice Fest!
Kim and I traveled to Green Prairie Fish Lake today, to see the incredible world’s largest ice carousel. We tried our hand at curling while there. It’s a lot harder than the Olympians make it look! 2019

Worlds largest ice carousel on a lake near Little Falls, Minnesota
#icecarousel #worldrecord #polarvortex #winterfun #onlyinminnesota
@farm_show_magazine Minnesota Family Creates Giant Powered Ice Carousel When Chuck Zwilling and his family decided several years ago to celebrate Christmas by cutting a circle in the ice, they had no idea it would lead to a world record, a popular community event, and an annual fundraiser for a good cause. The 2019 record-breaking “circle” was a 4.6 acre, 508-ft. dia. rotating carousel that people could walk, skate, curl, play hockey and just hang out on as it slowly spun in the middle of a lake near Little Falls, Minn. Though not yet recognized by Guinness World Records, the World Ice Carousel Association keeps track of records from around the world with four contenders currently - groups in Lohja, Finland; Kuopio, Finland; Sinclair, Maine; and the Zwilling family in Minnesota. 🚜Read the full article on our website!
posted January 2020 🚜
#ice #icecarousel #winter #minnesota #minnesota winter
#farmshow #farmshowmagazine