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1:49 Duration
Ice Carousel - Central Mn - 2017
posted by Lori Ann
3:26 Duration
Ice Fest - January 6th, 2018 - World Record Ice Carousel Attempt Green Prairie Lake, MN
posted by Jimmy Ography
Jan 16, 2018 | 5:40 Duration
Building the World's Largest Ice Carousel: Daily Planet
A Minnesota family is attempting to break the world record for the largest man-made ice carousel- but will their equipment withhold cutting through over 1,000 feet of ice?
posted by Discovery Canada Read More:
8:25 Duration
Bob Masog recovers skid steer from bottom of frozen lake
posted by Joan V
1:49 Duration
Ice recovery Bobcat Green Prairie Fish Lake Minnesota
posted by Joan V
2:24 Duration - Revamped
Frozen Lake Recovery Skid Steer, Little Falls Minnesota 2018
posted by Joan V
5:12 Duration
Largest Ice Carousel Attempt - Ice Fest (Jan. 6, 2018) on Green Prairie Fish Lake (MN)
posted by Zwilling Ice Carousel
2:22 Duration - Very Informative
Zwilling Family Ice Carousel Presentation
posted by Zwilling Ice Carousel Jul 26, 2018
7:45 Duration
Zwilling Ice Carousel - Jan. 6, 2018
posted by Zwilling Ice Carousel

... just for fun - THIS IS NUTZ!!!!

Looking for an efficient way to ride the ice? Grab a chainsaw and get moving! ...

Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to the first annual Darwin Award Races.... "Chainsaw Skater" Goof is neck n' neck with "Here, Hold my Beer" Guy

Even Darwin is going NOPE!