Objective. The Association encourages to build Ice Carousels and have fun during winter, also at the same time informing about challenges, technology and ice mechanics. Building ice carousels is exciting and dangerous!
The Ice Carousel Festival is arranged with the City of Lohja.
- Largest Ice Carousel -
1. Crater lake ICEBREAKERS , Lappajärvi, Finland, 515,76 meters February 20232. Chuck Zwilling, Little Falls, Minnesota, US, 403.96 meters 12 February 2022
3. ICEBUSTERS, Sinclair, Maine, U.S.A., 375,91 meters ?/?/????
4. ICEBUSTERS, Sinclair, Maine, U.S.A., 375,91 meters ?/?/????
5. Janne Käpylehto, Sami Alasara, Sam Leijonanmieli, Vesa Koivunen, Crater lake ice carousel, Lappajärvi, Finland, 310,756 meters ?/?/????
6. Chuck Zwilling, Little Falls, Minnesota, U.S.A, 228.35 meters 8 Feb. 2020
7. Jean-Francois Richard, Clerval, Quebec, Canada, 210,195 meters 16 December 2019
8. Kuopio Great Balls of ICE, Kuopio, Finland, 184,4 meters April 25 2019
9. Chuck Zwilling, Little Falls, Minnesota, U.S.A, 154,8 meters 13 January 2019
10. ICEBUSTERS, Sinclair, Maine, U.S.A., 130,15 meters 7 April 2018
11. Janne Käpylehto, Lohja, diameter 122 meters 18/2/2018
12. The Zwilling Family, Little Falls, Minnesota, U.S.A, 110 meters 7 january 2018
13. Janne Käpylehto + Kyro Distillery, Lohja, 100 meters 5 April 2017
14. Team in Estonia/Tartu, 60,4 meters 27 February 2017
15. Janne Käpylehto + Wohls Gård, Kirkkonummi, 57 meters 25 January 2017
- Fastest Ice Carousel -
- Thickest Ice Carousel -
- Firsts -