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You've Been Elfed

Macaroni Kid Brainerd and Pay it Forward Foundation, Sunny Zwilling Memorial Ice Carousel Extravaganza brings Central MN "We've Been Elf'd" Stockings!

 An Article was featured in the MCRecord and on MacaroniKid featuring our PayItForward Foundation.

Central Minnesotans get 'Elf'd' this holiday season

"Elves are running amuck in central Minnesota."

Joni Gilder-Rone, publisher and editor of Macaroni Kid Brainerd — a website focused on family-friendly events and information in central Minnesota — is asking local residents to take up the trend of “Elf’ing” their neighbors.

“Basically the idea is just doing a little surprise for your neighbors,” Gilder-Rone said. “It’s a play off of Boo Baskets that some of our other publishers were doing around Halloween.”

“Elf’ing” is done by putting together a holiday-themed treat or gift and leaving it on someone else’s doorstep. The point is to not be caught by whoever will receive the gift so that there is a surprise waiting for them next time they open their door.

So far, Gilder-Rone plans to “Elf” about 100 people total in Little Falls, Pierz, Royalton, Brainerd, Browerville and Nisswa. Once someone has been Efl’d they are asked to pay it forward by doing the same for two of their neighbors.

“With everything shut down, the kids out of school and all of the usual events canceled, it’s just something fun for families to do and look forward to,” Gilder-Rone said.

The gifts can include a treat or small gift, such as pencils, stickers and craft supplies. For more instructions and information on how to get involved — and to print off the official “You’ve Been Elf’d” sheet — visit brainerd.macaronikid.com.

Local businesses and organizations have also teamed up with Gilder-Rone to help make the initiative a success. The Pay It Forward Foundation and I.C.E. Fest of Little Falls are the title sponsors. They helped purchase many of the supplies used for gifts to the first 100 unsuspecting recipients.

“When we were presented the opportunity to be a part of this ‘Pay It Forward’ trend, we found it only fitting that we, as Pay It Forward Foundation/I.C.E. Fest, get involved,” read a statement from Pay It Forward Foundation/I.C.E. Fest. “We are proud to be a sponsor and a part of the ‘Elf’d’ community, continuing to spread surprise holiday fun to the kids in our area.”
- Zach Hacker

** Complete instructions can be found on MacaroniKid

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