5th Annual I.C.E. Fest came with some "firsts" and stories all by itself :)
Here are some highlights from this years event.
- Brian Zwilling kept the ice carousel spinning overnite without freezing over by refilling the 2 outboard/2 trolling gas motors so on Sunday it was still spinning. He and my Brother ken also had to replace a belt in the freezing cold thruout the night on one of the outboards.
- Got it to start spinning on Saturday around 4:20 pm and final rotation wasn't until near 7pm. by Sunday morning at 10 am it was on it's 8th full ratation .
- Brain Zwilling and thee Amish created a "lawnmower cutting machine" which actually saved the day when thee other cutters machines had mechanical difficulties / mishaps.
- Ran out of Chili on Saturday already to overwhelming attendance. Amanda Smith [IWCO co-worker] donated 130lbs. of Chili for thee event then.
- DJ music was big hit this year! Even Santa got his moves on - see video clip
- Tonya Kohler [IWCO co-worker] volunteered to bring out her fishouse to help keep an eye on things at nighttime as Brian did end up having a few items stolen Friday night.
Activities: and Sponsors
- The Frozen Forest, Kite Flying, and Human Foosball, Human bowling were an instant hit this year along with the DJ Music, Curling, Open Skating, Underwater Drone, Spear Fshing, and much more fun happening both days PLUS the long awaited Dog Sleds on Sunday.
2022 Round-Up Video:
The official Guinness World Records application has been submitted as of March 1st, 2022…we’ll let you know what we find out!
Save the Date- I.C.E. Fest 2023- February 11th and 12th.

Updates: Little Falls Radio Newsletter
--According to the Zwilling family Sunday morning they were able to get the Ice Carousel rotating in their attempt of setting a new world record with unofficial specs of 405 Meters, 1328 feet wide, 31.8 acres, 80,000 tons of ice moving with just 2 outboards and 2 trolling motors propelling it. They do need a formal surveyor to get the measurements but the family reported that all was going well to break that world record so when official results are tallied many can wish a big congratulations to them. Zwilling also stated there is still time to get your donations in for I.C.E. Fest 2022- proceeds go to Flyer Pride Pack (weekend food backpack program) and Kare Kloset (a resource for students that don’t get their basic needs met at home). Donations are being accepted via https://thrivent.cotribute.co/events/599055/detail or by check, payable to Pay It Forward Foundation, mailed to 21296 Forest Rd, Little Falls, MN 56345. Pay It Forward Foundation is a 501c3 nonprofit organization and all donations are tax deductible.
--Chuck Zwilling did confirm Monday that I.C.E. Fest 2022 was a huge success. Record amount of food served, which means way more attendees. (Double the amount of food served) Also they did officially reclaim the World Record for largest Ice carousel for now as at least 2 maybe more groups are going to try and beat it. Zwilling said the new record is 1,328 feet across, .8 miles around, 3 hours per rotation and 6 full rotations to get the world record back in Little Falls. Spinning for over 20 hours. Thanks to all the help and volunteers making this the biggest event yet.