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Record Cold Keeps Icy Grip

Weather records fall as harsh cold keeps icy grip

In a typical February, the normal highs hover just below freezing at 26 degrees, with overnight lows remaining in positive territory. Two recent years even saw temperatures soar toward the 50s: Feb. 13, 2011, reached 49 degrees, while Feb. 11-12, 2005, achieved similar heights at 48 and 50 degrees.

Temperature Records

A number of temperature records fell this weekend with the frigid weather. Here’s a look at what’s in the books for Feb. 12-14th, 2021.
Feb. 12
High: 50 degrees, 2005.
Lowest high: 6 degrees below zero, 2021.
Highest low: 32 degrees, 1984.
Low: 38 degrees below zero, 1981.

Feb. 13
High: 49 degrees, 2011.
Lowest high: 6 degrees below zero, 2021.
Highest low: 32 degrees, 1984.
Low: 34 degrees below zero, 2021 and 1916.

Feb. 14
High: 45 degrees, 2002. 
Lowest high: 5 degrees below zero, 1930 (unofficially, the record was broken Sunday with 6 below).
Highest low: 32 degrees, 2011.Low: 35 degrees below zero, 1922.
Exerpt Written By: Chelsey M. Perkins | Feb 14th 2021 - 9pm.

Read the rest of the story from BrainerdDispatch.com

Covered in ice, Mike Ruegemer pauses after cutting ice Friday, Feb. 12, on Green Prairie Fish Lake in sub-zero temperatures. The relentless cold weather has settled over Minnesota with some hope for mild temperatures this week.

- Photo Credit: Steve Kohls / Brainerd Dispatch


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