Newsletter: Tuesday, January 24th, 2023
--A group of Girls Scouts from Troop 887 stopped by Little Falls Radio yesterday. They spoke about scouts. Some of them started as early as Kindergarten and are still in scouts now as 6th through 8th graders. The scouts said they are more than camps and cookies they given back to the community, volunteer at the Humane Society and other events in ways to give back to the community. They attend camps to show their leadership, friendship and other skills. Yes, they also sell cookies and that will start February 1st and you can Google their troop game and get info to get cookies locally. They will also be part of the annual Ice Fest event with the Zwilling family on Green Prairie Fish Lake on February 11th and 12th. Thanks to the scouts for their work.
Newsletter: Tuesday, February 7th 2023
--Chuck Zwilling said there is 19 inches of ice on Green Prairie/Fish Lake and all is set for the annual Ice Fest event this Saturday and Sunday 10am-6pm. This year they will attempt a world record for the largest ice carousel inside another carousel as they already own the record still for largest ice carousel set in 2022. There will be many other snow and ice events, skating, dog sledding and others with groups and organizations working with the events from Girl Scout Troops to school groups and more taking part in the 2 day event. For the latest details on the event go to Donations from the event this week go to help Flyer Pride Pack and Kare Kloset at the schools where last year they raised $24,000 for the two programs.
Source: Little Falls Newsletter |