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The Kitchen & Food Galore

"Lincoln Wedding and Events" — Tent Canopy was donated for the warming Tent and serving Kitchen. —

- (Feb 11th, 2023)
"The Kitchen Crew"

- (Feb 12th, 2023)
"Free Food and Beverages plus more enjoyed by all" —

- (Feb 11th, 2023)

The Free Food this year coinsisted of Breakfast Burritos, Chips, ....
  1. Lincoln Wedding and Events - Food aka: Warming Tent
  2. Little Falls Bakery and Deli - (80 dozen cookies)
  3. Thelen Meats - Hot Dags
  4. Coborn's - Chicken Wild Rice and Chicken Noodle Soup
  5. Gift Card ( Walmart) - Cocoa, Coffee
  6. Gift Card (Costco) - Buns,
  7. Gift Card ( ) - Candies / Snacks -
  8. Culligan - supplied Drinking Water Bottles ( and the water needed for cocoa, coffee, warming up the soups etc...)

Shout out to Michelle Kuklok and Heather Brill with Mid Minnesota Federal Credit Union, Little Falls,Mn. for volunteering in the kitchen this weekend. When we were running low on hot dogs they jumped right in and donated an additional $500 so we would have some for Sunday’s visitors.
Thank you so much, you went above and beyond and we truly appreciate YOU!